We are a
flexible structured company, based on a core of mechanical design engineers
and a large team of freelance technical
designers depending on the project type and the
volume of work involved
Our engineering / design capabilities &
experience include:
Modeling (CATIAV5 & Solidworks)
Advanced Design Parts & Assemblies
Generation of Production Drawings
Compatibility CatiaV5/V4, dxf/dwg,
Sheet Metal Design
Finite Element Analysis (using ANSYS)
Stress Prediction; Static linear & nonlinear
Dynamic Analysis
Buckling Analysis
Shape & Material Design Optimization
Fatigue Analysis
Machine-tools and manufacturing process design
We offer competitive cost /quality solutions in
various fields
Design of Rolling Stock
Equipment (current projects with Compagnie de Chemins
de Fer Deaprtementaux -major manufacturer in France)
Design of Machine Tools for
Manufacturing, Assembly & Manipulation lines for
automotive and construction industry
Design of Plastic Injection
for automotive, medical, military, computer,
cosmetics, home appliances etc
special injection molds with the active side
obtained through laser synterization
Quality conversion from Paper
Drawings to 2D/3D in AutoCAD /CATIA / Solidworks
Plotting Services
Our engineers' experience has been built working
along various projects for EU companies
and Russia:
For further information please visit our site at
or contact us :
Dipl. Eng. Virgil ERMALIUC
Tel: +40 21 2520850 / 2520853
Fax: +40 21 2532349
E-mail: v.ermaliuc@3dromdesign.com
Address: 33
Onciu Dimitrie, Sector 2
Bucharest, PC 024053